Peer Review and Publication Policy
We at ASM Business Review ensures original and good quality research papers should be published by way of peer review practice.
Peer Review practice is an objective process reviewing research articles by our reviewer. Therefore our reviewer play a important role in maintain the high standard of our Journal. All manuscripts are peer reviewed by our reviewers.
Special issues and conference proceedings may have different peer review procedures and may involve Guest Editors, conference organizer or organizer committee. Authors may get full details of the peer view process on request.
Initial manuscript evaluation by Editors.
The Editors first evaluates all manuscripts. The rejected manuscripts at this steps are insufficiently original or not the forms or not meets the standards and policy of our journal. Those manuscripts meet the minimum criteria are passed on to the two experts for review. Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will be informed within a week of receipt.
Type of peer review
ASM BUSINESS REVIEW journal conducts double blind review, where the reviewer remains anonymous throughout the process/ double blind reviewing, where both the reviewer and author remain anonymous throughout the process / open reviewing were both the reviewer and author are known to one another.
Selection of Reviews, Reviewers Report , time required.
We at ASM Business Review maintain the updated database of experts in their research area. Review are selected and matched to the paper according to their expertise. Language correction is not a part of review process.
Reviewer reports
We have standard form for reviews report.
Typically the manuscript will be reviewed within 1-6 weeks.
Final report
A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with any recommendations made by the reviewers, and may include verbatim comments by the reviewers.
Editors Decision is Final.
After review completion and acceptance of manuscript author(s) will receive “acceptance certificate” from journal. After successful completion of online publication process author(s) receive Academic Award Certificate & Publication Certificate.